Seven year old girl battling rare kidney condition needs your help in her campaign to raise awareness and find a cure

Megan Bloomer, aged seven.Megan Bloomer, aged seven.
Megan Bloomer, aged seven. | Other 3rd Party
A seven year old girl with a rare kidney condition is hoping to raise awareness and help find a cure for the disease.

Megan Bloomer, from Washington, was diagnosed with the rare kidney condition, Nephrotic Syndrome, at the age of just two.

After living with the condition for five years, Megan and her mother Jackie have made it their mission to raise awareness of Nephrotic Syndrome by holding fundraisers for the Nephrotic Syndrome Trust (NeST) and Newcastle’s RVI Children and Young Person Kidney Fund.

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Nephrotic Syndrome is a rare condition that causes the kidneys to leak large amounts of protein into the urine, which can lead to a range of problems including swelling of body tissues and a greater chance of infection.

Megan Bloomer in hospital shortly after being diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome, age two.Megan Bloomer in hospital shortly after being diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome, age two.
Megan Bloomer in hospital shortly after being diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome, age two. | Other 3rd Party

At the age of two, Megan began showing signs of an allergy with large swelling in her face and soon her whole body.

After visiting Queen Elizabeth hospital in Gateshead she was diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome and sent to Newcastle’s RVI to undergo various treatments.

Megan’s mum Jackie said: “Megan has been our little superstar. I think the fact that she was very young when she was diagnosed has helped her to just class it as normal life.

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“When she goes to hospital she walks around with confidence knowing where she’s going and who she needs to speak to.”

Megan Bloomer, aged seven.Megan Bloomer, aged seven.
Megan Bloomer, aged seven. | Other 3rd Party

Despite being in and out of hospital, Megan is able to live a normal life with Nephrotic Syndrome and attends weekly swimming lessons, stage school and enjoys being on the school council for her class.

Megan’s latest fundraising effort is holding a prize filled raffle with the help of local businesses to raise money for NeST and the RVI.

Prizes on offer include an overnight stay for two at Slaley Hall Hotel, two day tickets to Beamish museum and two tickets to the This Is Tomorrow Festival.

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Megan will also be taking part in the Junior Great North Run, representing NeST later this year.

The raffle will take place on Thursday March 12 and those interested in entering and donating to Megan’s cause can do on her Just Giving page.

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