Police dog Ivan follows his nose to find suspected burglar at Sunderland address

PD Ivan follows his nose ...PD Ivan follows his nose ...
PD Ivan follows his nose ... | Other 3rd Party
An alert police dog has shown his worth in fighting crime after leading an officer to the location of a suspected burglar.

Northumbria Police’s PD Ivan and handler PC Steven Henry were among the first on the scene following a report of a burglary at an address on Ashmore Terrace in Sunderland.

After entering the home and hearing noises upstairs, PC Henry and his four-legged friend went to investigate further.

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PD Ivan then located his target, and helped officers detain a 35-year-old man who was hiding under a desk in one of the rooms.

He was arrested at the scene and has subsequently been charged with burglary. He will appear before magistrates in Sunderland in January.

Speaking of the operation, dog handler PC Henry said: “This was just another example of the crucial role that our dogs play in detecting crime, locating suspects and keeping the public safe.

“As soon as we entered the property, PD Ivan sensed somebody was upstairs and he did a loop of the house before leading us directly to the suspect who was hiding under a computer table.

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“It’s safe to say he was rewarded with a well-deserved treat when he arrived back at the station – as the man he helped to locate spent a night in the cells, was charged, and then remanded in custody.

“PD Ivan will be back on duty over the weekend and he’s itching to get back out there to help keep the public safe.”