People in North East 'wrongly blame immigrants for problems,' says London MP

David Lammy MP. Picture by PA.David Lammy MP. Picture by PA.
David Lammy MP. Picture by PA.
People in North East coastal communities wrongly blame immigrants for their problems, a former Minister has said.

Labour's David Lammy, who represents Tottenham, said governments had failed to properly equip people in North East coastal communities with the skills they needed to work in the modern economy.

The former skills minister said immigration got the blame for the problems - but insisted immigrants are not to blame for people becoming trapped in jobs which pay low wages.

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He added that Britain faces "very grave" consequences if it fails to give low-income workers the skills they need to progress - with a the country steering towards a "very dark chapter."

Mr Lammy called for a national strategy on adult education, later telling the House of Commons: "Look across the country in our seaside towns, in our post-industrial towns across the North, the Midlands and Wales.

"In places like Boston, Hartlepool, Blackpool, Oldham, Wrexham, the prevailing wind is to blame immigrants for our problems - for taking jobs, for taking houses, for taking school places, taking GP appointments.

"But in a country where people are trapped in low-income, low-skilled work and don't see a way out, we're playing a very dangerous game if we don't act.

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He added: "People are not trapped in low-income jobs because of immigrants.

"It is the fault of successive governments who have failed to equip them with the skills they need to get on in a modern economy.

"My fear, and very real fear indeed, is that if we don't act now then the consequences down the line will be very grave indeed and we'll be opening up a very dark chapter in our history."