Thief facing jail after stealing a steam cleaner from B&Q, pulling himself a pint at Sunderland club and possessing drugs

Daniel Bates has been ordered by a court to stay away from the Royal Artillery Club in Sunderland after helping himself to pints from behind the bar.Daniel Bates has been ordered by a court to stay away from the Royal Artillery Club in Sunderland after helping himself to pints from behind the bar.
Daniel Bates has been ordered by a court to stay away from the Royal Artillery Club in Sunderland after helping himself to pints from behind the bar. | Other 3rd Party
A man who trespassed by pulling himself a pint at a Sunderland club while in possession of drugs – and tried to steal from a DIY store - has been warned he may be jailed.

Daniel Bates, 37, of Pickard Street, Millfield, Sunderland, admitted entering the Royal Artillery Club in Mary Street on March 4.

He went to an upstairs bar and poured the free booze, being caught moments later on his way out, South Tyneside Magistrates’ Court heard.

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Soon after, he was searched by police and found with illegal amphetamine.

Bates also admitted taking an £80 Karcher steam cleaner from B&Q’s Sunderland outlet on January 16.

District Judge Sarah Griffiths has now ordered a report be prepared into his likely risk of future offending, ahead of him appearing in court for sentencing on June 16.

She said: “I want a full report because he’s looking at custody, it’s whether the custody is immediate or suspended. He is at risk of a custodial sentence.

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“It’s whether or not it’s positive enough to suspend the sentence.”

Prosecutor John Garside said: “He’s gone into the club when it was open.

“At about a quarter-to-nine the bartender was out. The defendant was acting suspiciously.

“He’s gone into the function room, and then has gone downstairs. Police have spoken to him and that’s when drugs were found.”

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The court heard hair sample tests had proved Bates had been free of drugs since February and that he was now working with drug and alcohol service Wear Recovery.

Robin Ford, defending, said his client had been doing well since his arrest, adding: “For the first time he has secured his own accommodation.

“He’s not gone out during this period and stolen, he’s not using drugs as he used to. He’s looking after himself.

“In this most difficult of times the defendant has not been a burden. He would take any assistance he could, this is a chance of success.”

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Bates pleaded guilty to theft from B&Q, trespass and possession of Class B amphetamine at earlier hearings.

He was bailed on condition he resides at his home address and obeys a 7pm to 7am curfew.

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