Sunderland woman who stole almost £50,000 from her uncle from South Shields pays back just £800

Lillian HandysidesLillian Handysides
Lillian Handysides
A niece who stole almost £50,000 from an 88-year-old uncle she was supposed to be helping has to pay back just £800.

Lillian Handysides, who was in the widower's will, pocketed £48,904 belonging to the retired shipyard worker, to ensure there was little left for the other beneficiaries.

At the time of the offences she had been trusted with the pensioner's finances to give him assistance as he had "difficulty getting about".

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But instead of paying bills and buying things he needed, Handysides "used it as her own" and led a "nice lifestyle on the proceeds of the thefts".

Lillian HandysidesLillian Handysides
Lillian Handysides

The 56-year-old, formerly of Bodiam Road, Sunderland, denied four charges of theft and claimed the cash had been given to her as a "gift".

After a trial at Newcastle Crown Court last year, jurors found her guilty of three of the offences.

She was cleared of one charge in relation to a further £600.

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Handysides was later sentenced to two years imprisonment, suspended for two years, with rehabilitation requirements.

Her case has been back in court today after prosecutors launched proceedings under the Proceeds of Crime Act to seize any assets she has.

Judge Robert Spragg has now ordered her to pay £800, the amount she has been found to have available to pay.

As a result of the order, if Handysides ever comes into a windfall, she will be liable to surrender any monies she has available until the full sum she stole is repaid.

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During a trial the victim gave evidence, via television link, from his armchair at his home in South Shields.

He told jurors: "She was taking money off me, not helping me out.

"It was supposed to be saved up in the bank for such time I passed away."

The pensioner, who said Handysides had "quite a few" holidays abroad, told the court he has since changed his will and added: "I've got no trust in her now for what she's done."

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Prosecutor Ian Cook told the court the victim had "slowed down physically but there was no suggestion had had slowed down mentally" and was of "sound mind".

Mr Cook said Handysides was a beneficiary in the victim's will and added: "She would receive half of his estate and the remaining half would be divided between five grandchildren.

"What I say is that Lilian Handysides saw an opportunity to make her half share as big as possible, making sure there was as little as possible left in the estate so that when he did pass there was as little as possible for her to share with the other beneficiaries."

The court heard the pensioner had over £20,000 from an inheritance in his bank and received another £20,000 from a bond, on top of his own money.

Mr Cook said the cash from the bond was transferred into Handysides account "for safe keeping".

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It was after a family holiday in Scotland, where the victim took ill and was admitted to hospital, that he became "suspicious" about the intentions of his niece.

Mr Cook said: "After a couple of days, the defendant returned home. She telephoned the complainant in Scotland and asked where his bank cards were, saying she needed to get him groceries.

"I say that is nonsense, he was in hospital in Scotland, 100 miles away, there as no need for groceries.

"This was when his suspicions were aroused."

The court heard when the pensioner was released from hospital he made inquiries with his bank and found out one of his accounts had been closed and the £25,000 balance transferred to another account, under Handysides' control.

Mr Cook told jurors: "She had taken control of the money and used it as her own."

Nick Lane, defending, said Handysides, who maintained her innocence after the conviction, has been in no trouble before or since the offences and is a low risk to the public.

Mr Lane said Handysides has a long history as a care worker and must have looked after "hundreds of people" without problem.

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