Sunderland shoplifter stole £104 worth of goods from Asda including bread buns, razor blades and packets of Nesquik

Asda | Other 3rd Party
Bread buns and razor blades were among the random selection of items a Sunderland man stole from Asda.

South Tyneside Magistrates’ Court heard staff saw Michael Peter Gallagher, 30, placing items in his jacket.

The court heard Gallagher, of Sutherland Drive, stole goods totalling £104.80, including bread buns, razor blades and packets of Nesquik drinking powder.

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Glenda Beck, prosecuting, said: “Mr Gallagher was seen selecting items and placing them in his jacket.

“Staff approached him, he said he had problems with his hands. He was given a basket and he continued around the store and again placed items in his jacket.”

Harry Burn, defending, said Gallagher handed back the items straight away.

He was given a conditional discharge for a year and ordered to pay £85 costs and £20 surcharge.