Man jailed after using Facebook Live video to expose the name of woman who had taken a restraining order out on him

Stewart McInroy exposed the name and address of a woman who had taken a restraining order out against him during a Facebook live video.Stewart McInroy exposed the name and address of a woman who had taken a restraining order out against him during a Facebook live video.
Stewart McInroy exposed the name and address of a woman who had taken a restraining order out against him during a Facebook live video. | User (UGC)
A man who exposed the name and address of a woman who had taken a restraining order out against him on a Facebook live video has been jailed for two years.

The victim, who can't be named for legal reasons, had previously taken out the order against Stewart McInroy, banning him from contacting her, but he broke it on three occasions.

Newcastle Crown Court heard how the woman logged into Facebook to find that the 28-year-old was filming himself talking about her in a live video.

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Neil Jones, prosecuting, told the court: "She saw there was a live feed Facebook video.

"In fact, what he was doing to camera was announcing her true identity and her alias and announcing to the world where she lived.

"She used an application on her phone to record three minutes of the broadcast. That, she produced to the police."

Mr Jones told the court that on the second occasion McInroy contacted the victim directly through Facebook messenger and, during the third breach, he sent her a video.

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The court heard how he told her that he wouldn't be arrested because he had carried out the offences in Scotland, which have different laws, and not England.

Mr Jones said that the woman had screenshot the messages as well as recording the live video.

In a statement, read to the court by Mr Jones, the victim said she felt "failed" by the criminal justice system and that it had affected her mental health.

McInroy, of Balgarvie Crescent in Cupar, Scotland, admitted three breaches of a restraining order at a previous court hearing.

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Tony Cornberg, defending, told the court: "This was targeted mainly in one direction.

"He's not going around looking for people to cause trouble with.

"We are obviously, as we all know, in the age of social media. Some people live and breath social media. He describes himself as addicted to Facebook.

"We can say a lot more or talk a lot more bravely behind a computer screen than we do face to face."

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Mr Cornberg said that there had been no more repeat of the offences carried out by McInroy in the last few months.

He said: "I'm glad to say that the dust appears to have settled. Hopefully it continues to settle."

Mr Cornberg told the court how McInroy said: "I'm sick and tired of her grassing me up for things."

Judge Stephen Earl responded by saying: "This is not her grassing him up, this is him offending.

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"There's a simple way to stop someone calling the police - don't go on social media and call her out."

Judge Earl sentenced McInroy to two years in prison and handed him a new 10-year restraining order against the victim.