Drunken teen stole £650 bike after threatening cyclist with metal pole in 'bizarre' street robbery

Drunken teen stole £650 bike after threatening cyclist with metal pole in 'bizarre' street robberyDrunken teen stole £650 bike after threatening cyclist with metal pole in 'bizarre' street robbery
Drunken teen stole £650 bike after threatening cyclist with metal pole in 'bizarre' street robbery | jpress
A drunken teenager threatened a man with a metal pole before taking his bicycle.

Kieran Briggs offered to buy the bike before taking it, Durham Crown Court heard.

The £650 bike was later returned undamaged to its owner.

“The robbery took place in Shotton Colliery at about 9.30pm,” said Jenny Haigh, prosecuting.

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“The owner of the bike was cycling towards Briggs, who put his hand on the handlebar to stop the cyclist.

“He asked for a ride on the bike, then said he would pay £200 for it.

“The owner of the bike described his behaviour as bizarre.

“Briggs then produced a metal pole and swung it at the cyclist.

“He grabbed the bike and rode away.”

The court heard Briggs was later found by police in a street nearby.

“He told officers he was drunk,” added Ms Haigh.

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“He had little recollection of taking the bike, but was able to show police where he had left it.

“It was returned to its owner.”

Briggs, 18, of Salters Lane, admitted robbery on June 30.

He was of previous good character.

Jane Waugh, defending, said in mitigation: “Mr Briggs lost his father in January, which is something that hit him hard.

“It is clear he struggled with the bereavement.

“He lives at home with his mother, who confirms he doesn’t usually drink,”

Judge Christopher Prince sentenced Briggs to 12 months in prison, suspended for 12 months, including 20 rehabilitation activity days.

The judge told him: “Sometimes young people find it hard to cope with bereavement.

“I accept your regret for this behaviour is genuine.”