The scene is the Washington Fairworld and Bill is pictured in front of the screen with civic dignitaries on launch day. Remember this?
Bill tells us that the opening attractions were Superman on screen 1 and Coma on Screen 2.The scene is the Washington Fairworld and Bill is pictured in front of the screen with civic dignitaries on launch day. Remember this?
Bill tells us that the opening attractions were Superman on screen 1 and Coma on Screen 2.
The scene is the Washington Fairworld and Bill is pictured in front of the screen with civic dignitaries on launch day. Remember this? Bill tells us that the opening attractions were Superman on screen 1 and Coma on Screen 2. | User (UGC)

Remember the grand old days of cinema in Wearside and County Durham? Here's 9 reminders for you to enjoy

It’s big screen movie time with our reminder of cinemas from Wearside and County Durham in years gone by.

Here is our reminder of the the Fairworld Twins at Washington, the Havelock at Mackie’s Corner and WMR in Horden. Former cinema owner Bill Mather has shared memories - and photos - from his time in the business.