It's the start of the day and these pupils at Seaham New School are ready for the day ahead in May 1974. Do you recognise any of them?It's the start of the day and these pupils at Seaham New School are ready for the day ahead in May 1974. Do you recognise any of them?
It's the start of the day and these pupils at Seaham New School are ready for the day ahead in May 1974. Do you recognise any of them? | JPIMedia Resell

Was this your typical schoolday in Sunderland in the 1970s?

What was a typical day like in the 70s schools of Sunderland?

Did it pan out like ours did in this selection of 15 photos from the decade?

We have selected a series of images showing everything from craft classes to sports lessons, and school meals to playtime.

Do you remember going to the baths or going on trips? We have got it all.

Take a look at our photos and see if they bring back schoolday memories.

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